
Our programming is based on research. Below is the objective that drives our work and related research.

Provide high quality child care in downtown Denver based on what parents want in quality care, the unique needs of working parents, and the developmental needs of pre-kindergarten children, while utilizing high-quality resources available to the school.  

Summary of research illustrating what parents want in quality child care (detailed research is included further below):
  • A clean, safe environment
  • Individualized attention for their children
  • Passionate, loving care givers
  • A place where children learn (not just babysitting)
  • A place for children to socialized with other children   
Summary of research illustrating the unique needs of working parents:
  • Realistic scheduling (a 9-3pm daily schedule or 2-day-per-week preschool doesn’t work well for working parents)
  • Convenient location
  • Parental communications
  • Overall peace of mind when they are not with their children 
Summary of the developmental focus areas for 2-3 year old children:
  • Sharing
  • Socializing
  • Expressing
  • Discovering
  • Caring
  • Learning

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